
About us

"SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY" Ltd. is a Bulgarian company founded at the end of 2020. Despite its young age, the company has rapidly developed thanks to the experience and expertise of its team. The company operates in the natural gas market in several countries - Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, and Italy.




Sustainable Energy Supply operates in the natural gas market internationally.

Currently, we operate in the natural gas markets in the following countries:

  • Bulgaria
  • Romania
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Serbia
  • Hungary
  • Croatia

In the electricity markets in the following countries:

  • Bulgaria
  • Romania

Sustainable Energy Supply is in contractual processes with other countries and aims to expand its portfolio of countries in which it operates.


"Състейнабъл Енерджи Продъкшън" ЕООД развива инвестиционно намерение за строителство на нова Парогазова Централа с мощност около 300МВт. Централата ще бъде изградена в района на Бургас и ще е с използване на най-съвременни технологии.

The new facility will use natural gas and will produce thermal and electrical energy through a combined cycle.

The operational mode of the new power plant will allow for flexibility and will support the balancing of the electrical grid.

"SUSTAINABLE ENERGY SUPPLY" Ltd. is a Bulgarian company founded at the end of 2020. Despite its young age, the company is growing rapidly due to the experience and expertise of its team.

  • +359 2 907 1000

  • SES.office@senergysupply.bg

  • ул. "Дамян Груев" 17-19
    1606 София

  • Monday - Friday: 9:00 - 18:00
